16 April 2012

Day 107: New Conditioner Variant.

This is a new Creamsilk Conditioner variant to give more volume to your hair and make it more bouncy.  I want to give it a try since I have curly hair.  Glad to have 8  sachets for free. Yey! Actually, I didn't know that there was a promo for this.  The cashier didn't told me about it but when I get out of the supermarket I saw a signboard for the promo.  I must have been missed it if not for slowing down.  Got reminded of what I read few days ago about slowing down  and enjoying life more. One of the principles discussed was being present and focusing on your environment and others around you.  Little by little I'm starting to practice and getting result. Wow! I tend to overlook small things because my mind is always after the big things. I know I am still a work in progress in this area of "slowing down" but through consistent practice it can be a habit and part of my life.

By the way, while I was in another supermarket, I saw a game show for the first time. Enjoyed watching the woman gathering grocery items within a short period of time.  These small things made my day. Indeed life is more fun when you slow down and appreciate little things in life.  Thank You Jesus!


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